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Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Bureau of Environmental Remediation
Identified Sites List Information

Project Code: C208770150Site Status:Active
Address: 21st and WashingtonCity:WICHITA
Zip Code: 67214
County: SGRiver Basin: Lower Arkansas
Latitude: 37.72267Longitude:-97.32614
Program Name: BER - State CooperativeProject Manager:Injal Bhattarai
Contaminants: Heavy Metal, PCB, Refined Petroleum, VOC

Environmental Use Control In Place ?   Yes

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Site Narrative:
Groundwater contamination was identified in a highly industrialized area of Wichita in 1981 near the intersection of 29th and Mead. The USGS and KDHE conducted investigations between 1983 and 1986. In September 1989, the Wichita North Industrial District (WNID) Potentially Responsible Party (PRP) group was formed and signed a Settlement Agreement with KDHE to conduct a Remedial Investigation (RI)/Feasibility Study (FS) for the 29th & Mead Site, which was listed on the National Priority List (NPL) in February 1990. The Draft RI Report submitted to KDHE in October 1991 did not delineate contamination or sufficiently identify source areas. KDHE entered into Consent Orders with four additional PRPs to conduct a RI/FS for their facilities; however, the WNID PRP group was not responsive to KDHE's comments, and the 29th & Mead RI was never approved.

In 1995, the City petitioned to have the site delisted from the NPL so that the State could manage the Site. The City signed a Settlement Agreement with KDHE on Nov. 14, 1995, which combined the 29th & Mead Site, the 13th & Washington Site, and other contiguous areas into the North Industrial Corridor (NIC) Site. In April 1996 the 29th & Mead Site was delisted from the NPL; a single facility from the original area is now being addressed as an EPA-lead site that still bears the 29th & Mead Site name.

The NIC site is approximately 4 miles long and 1.5 miles wide. Groundwater contamination consists primarily of chlorinated solvents and petroleum hydrocarbon-related chemicals originating from multiple source areas and forming comingled plumes. The City initiated the RI in December 1997 and submitted a Phase I Technical Memo in 1999, followed by a Phase II investigation that included Site-wide monitoring well sampling in April 2001. The Draft RI Report was submitted to KDHE in August 2002. The Draft Baseline Risk Assessment (BRA) was submitted to KDHE in June 2003. The City conducted supplemental investigative tasks in 2004 with the results reported in the RI Addendum. KDHE approved the RI and Addendum in December 2006 and the BRA in March 2007. KDHE approved a revised FS in August 2011. The City submitted a Vapor Intrusion (VI) Assessment Work Plan and VI Data was collected in phases from Jan.-March 2012, and Jan.-Feb. 2014. KDHE approved the VI reports in Aug. 2012 and June 2014.

In Jan. 2012, KDHE prepared the Draft Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for Interim Groundwater Remediation, and identified KDHE’s preferred alternative to address groundwater contamination. After a 30-day public comment period and public availability session held in Wichita in Feb. 2012, KDHE issued the Final CAD on March 28, 2012.

The City submitted a RD/Pre-Design Data Acquisition (PDA) Work Plan to KDHE in Sept. 2013 with the Final RD/PDA Work Plan approved in July 2014. Implementation of the RD/PDA Work Plan was completed and documented in the report dated March 2015. Several additional Remedial Design activities were approved in 2018, including the Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) study for GWU-1 and the Remedial Design Work Plan with construction details.

Construction of the remediation system has been completed and is currently operating. Quarterly groundwater monitoring was initiated in 2021 and changed to semi-annual monitoring in 2024.

Legal Description

Actions Completed
Activity TypeActivityStartCompleted
ASSESSMENTIntegrated PA/SSI05/06/198505/06/1985
ASSESSMENTHazard Ranking System Scoring08/28/198708/28/1987
PUBLIC RELATIONS Public Information Plan09/04/199709/04/1997
INVESTIGATION Remedial Investigation11/14/199712/28/2006
RISK ASSESSMENTBaseline Risk Assessment03/12/200703/12/2007
EVALUATION OF REMEDIAL ALTERNATIVES Feasibility Study01/01/200708/11/2011
DECISION OF REMEDIAL ALTERNATIVES Corrective Action Decision08/11/201101/06/2012
PUBLIC RELATIONS Public Hearing02/01/201202/01/2012
PUBLIC RELATIONS Comment Period01/06/201202/06/2012
DECISION OF REMEDIAL ALTERNATIVES Corrective Action Decision02/07/201203/28/2012
ENVIRONMENTAL USE CONTROLS Existing Institutional Control03/28/201203/28/2012
ASSESSMENTSupplemental Site Sampling01/03/201206/04/2014
PUBLIC RELATIONS Public Notice02/23/201802/23/2018
REMEDIAL DESIGN/ACTION Remedial Design Plan03/29/201210/10/2018

Actions Underway
Activity TypeActivityStartCompleted
MASTER PROJECTMaster Project Details05/06/1985 
REMEDIAL DESIGN/ACTION Corrective Action10/11/2018 
MONITORING O&M/Performance Monitoring12/09/2020 

Actions Proposed
Activity TypeActivityStartCompleted
No Actions Proposed Information Found

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