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Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Bureau of Environmental Remediation
Identified Sites List Information

Project Code: C208700181Site Status:Active
CERCLIS Number: KSD007233224
Other Names: 250 N ST FRANCIS
Zip Code: 67202
County: SGRiver Basin: Lower Arkansas
Latitude: 37.68887Longitude:-97.33039
Program Name: BER - State CooperativeProject Manager:Injal Bhattarai
Contaminants: VOC

Environmental Use Control In Place ?   Yes

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Site Narrative:
The Coleman Downtown Wichita Facility is an operable unit of the Gilbert and Mosley Site. The Coleman Company completed a preliminary investigation in October 1989, which confirmed the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the ground water at 250 N. St. Francis Street, Wichita, Kansas. The primary contaminants of concern are tetrachloroethene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE). Coleman entered into Consent Order 90-E-124 for source control with KDHE in 1991.

Coleman conducted a Remedial Investigation from 1991 to 1997. An interim remedial measure of three extraction wells and air strippers, aquifer sparge (AS) systems and soil vapor extraction (SVE) systems was installed at Factory A and Factory B. The air sparge and soil vapor extraction systems operated from 1992 to 2002 when the system achieved the limits of its effectiveness. Both Factory A and Factory B properties have a final remedial measure of site wide groundwater pump and treat systems that were installed in 1993 and are still active.

In 2014, the maximum concentrations of PCE and TCE in ground water at the Factory A property are 140 micrograms per liter (µg/L) and 500 µg/L, respectively, which exceed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 5 µg/L for both contaminants. The maximum concentrations of PCE and TCE in soil at the Factory A property as of 2005 are 130 micrograms per kilogram (µg /kg) and 2,400 µg /kg, respectively. These concentrations exceed KDHE’s Tier 2 Levels for the soil-to-groundwater protection pathway of 121 µg /kg and 84.2 µg/kg, respectively.

In 2014, the maximum concentration of TCE in ground water at the Factory B property is 150 µg/L. PCE concentrations were reported below the MCL at 1.5 to 1.8 µg/L in the groundwater. The maximum soil concentrations of PCE and TCE in soil at the Factory B property as of 2008 were 24 µg/kg and 640 µg/kg respectively. These concentrations exceed KDHE’s Tier 2 Levels for the soil-to-groundwater protection pathway of 121 µg /kg and 84.2 µg/kg, respectively.

The Draft Corrective Action Decision (CAD) for the Site was presented at a public meeting on April 30, 2012 in Wichita, Kansas. Comments received during the public comment period were addressed in the responsiveness section for the Final CAD approved on Sept. 18, 2012. The current pump and treat system, long-term ground water monitoring, and the presence of parking lots and office facilities that prevent infiltration of surface water into the soil are the approved remedial actions at the site. Environmental Use Controls were placed on Factory A in 2009 and on the west half of Factory B in 2012.

The former Factory A property was purchased by Sedgwick County in 2011 and developed into a parking lot. Monitoring wells on the Site were plugged and new ones installed after the parking lot was finished. A new remedial well was installed.

A Consent Agreement and Final Order 90-E-124 (CAFO) for the Site was signed January 15, 2013. An updated Remediation and System Performance Evaluation Plan was approved in November 2013. In June 2014 ten new replacement well sets were installed at the site. Three wells transferred to the City of Wichita for use in the Gilbert and Mosley water-level program.

Upgrades to the Factory A air stripper occurred in December 2014/January 2015. Factory B has a new sump containment system installed around the air stripper at the site. Testing of systems occurred in January 2015 with effectiveness monitored monthly. Long-term monitoring continues at the site.

KDHE contractors are placing absorbent socks in the well to recover the LNAPL. The Five Year Review was completed and published on May 23, 2018. The Five Year Review concluded that the remedy is protective of human health. Semi-Annual groundwater monitoring and operation of the remedial system is ongoing.

Legal Description

Actions Completed
Activity TypeActivityStartCompleted
INVESTIGATION Remedial Investigation06/30/199102/28/1997
PUBLIC RELATIONS Public Information Plan10/15/200310/15/2003
INVESTIGATION Source Investigation07/18/200508/25/2006
INVESTIGATION Source Investigation09/26/200703/05/2009
EVALUATION OF REMEDIAL ALTERNATIVES Feasibility Study02/16/201104/19/2011
ASSESSMENTExpanded Site Assessment11/23/201111/23/2011
PUBLIC RELATIONS Public Notice04/06/201204/06/2012
PUBLIC RELATIONS Public Meeting04/30/201204/30/2012
PUBLIC RELATIONS Comment Period04/08/201205/09/2012
DECISION OF REMEDIAL ALTERNATIVES Corrective Action Decision09/18/201209/18/2012
PUBLIC RELATIONS Public Information Plan10/09/201410/09/2014
REMEDIAL DESIGN/ACTION Remedial Action11/01/201401/31/2015
POST CLEANUP REVIEW Five Year Review05/23/201805/23/2018
PUBLIC RELATIONS Public Notice06/08/201806/08/2018

Actions Underway
Activity TypeActivityStartCompleted
MASTER PROJECTMaster Project Details06/30/1991 
INTERIM ACTION Interim Remedial Measure - source07/11/1991 
MONITORING O&M/Performance Monitoring10/18/2013 

Actions Proposed
Activity TypeActivityStartCompleted
No Actions Proposed Information Found

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