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Identified Site Listing Details

Project Code: C2-087-70150

Document TypeDocument DateDocument DescriptionPreview/Download Document
BER REPORTS AND PLANS12/06/2023Modifications to Bike Path Area WP Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING11/29/2023NIB - Q3 - 2023 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS10/03/2023Limited Groundwater Investigation Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS08/23/20236th Q Mon Event - GWM Data Transmittal Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING06/13/20235th Q Mon Event - 2023 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING04/13/2023Q4 and Ann Summary - 2022 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS01/23/2023Remedial Action Construction QA Rpt Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING12/01/2022Sampling - Q3 - 2022 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING10/05/2022Samp Mon Event -Q2- 2022 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-INSPECTION08/30/2022EUC Investigation Rpt Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING08/24/2022Samp & Mon - Q1- 2022 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING02/15/2022Annual Report & Summary - 2021 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING10/05/2021Progress Report - through 9/30/21 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING10/05/2021Sampling - Baseline Event #2 Report Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-INSPECTION08/18/20212021 EUC Inspect Midtown Bike Path Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING03/25/2021Baseline Sampling & GW Mon Fall 2020 Pt1 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING03/25/2021Baseline Sampling & GW Mon-Fall 2020 Pt2 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-INSPECTION08/31/2020Env Use Control Inspection 05-EUC-0004 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-INSPECTION09/05/2019Environmental Use Control 05-EUC-0004 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS04/01/2019Mon & Perf Evaluation Work Plan Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS10/01/2018Quality Assurance - Field Sampling Plan Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS10/01/2018GWU1 Mon Natural Attenuation Study Vol 1 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS10/01/2018GWU1 Mon Natural Attenuation Study Vol 2 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS10/01/2018Construction Quality Assurance Plan Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS09/26/2018Mon & Perf. Evaluation WP Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS09/01/2018Mon & Performance Evaluation Work Plan Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-INSPECTION08/16/2018Env Use Control Inspection 05-EUC-0004 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS07/17/2018Final Remedial Design Report Preview/Download
BER CORRESPONDENCE07/01/2018Remedial Design Presentation Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING03/21/2018Progress - 4th Quarter - 2017 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS02/08/2018Five-Year Review Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING10/04/2017Progress - Quarter 3 - 2017 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-INSPECTION08/17/2017Env Use Control Inspection 05-EUC-0004 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS08/11/2017IRDR Interim GW Remediation Part 1 of 2 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS08/11/2017IRDR Interim GW Remediation Part 2 of 2 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING07/07/2017Progress - 2nd Quarter - 2017 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING04/19/2017Progress - 1st Quarter - 2017 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS02/28/2017Aquifer Testing Results Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING01/04/2017Progress - Quarter 3 - 2016 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING01/04/2017Progress - Quarter 4 - 2016 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-INSPECTION08/30/2016EUC Owner Inspection 05-EUC-0004 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS08/01/2016Investgtn & Study - E. of Chisholm Creek Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS05/01/2016Monitored Natural Attenuation Study GWU1 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS12/02/2015NIC Pumping Test Wells Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-INSPECTION08/26/2015Env Use Control Inspection 05-EUC-0004 Preview/Download
BER LEGAL-AGREEMENTS04/16/2015PRP Settlement Agreeement Final Draft Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING04/09/2015Progress - 1st Quarter - 2015 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS04/01/2015GWU1 MNA Study Work Plan Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS03/01/2015Groundwater/Surface Water Interaction WP Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS03/01/2015Data Acquisition Report Part I of III Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS03/01/2015Data Acquisition Report Part II of III Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS03/01/2015Data Acquisition Report Part III of III Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING12/11/2014Progress - 3rd Quarter - 2014 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING10/21/2014Progress - Q1 & Q2 - 2014 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-INSPECTION09/12/2014Env Use Control Inspection 05-EUC-0004 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS06/01/2014Aquisition Work Plan Volume II of II Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS06/01/2014Acquisition Work Plan Volume I of II Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS05/02/2014Phase II Vapor Intrusion Assessemt Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-INSPECTION10/17/2013Env Use Control Inspection 05-EUC-0004 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-INSPECTION05/03/2012Env Use Control Inspection 05-EUC-0004 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS05/01/2012Site-wide Vapor Intrusion Assessment Preview/Download
BER LEGAL-CAD/ROD03/28/2012CAD for Interim Groundwater Remediation Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS02/28/2012Phs 2 Status & Phs 3 Prop Recmndtns SVIA Preview/Download
BER PHOTOS02/09/2012Site Photos Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS01/13/2012Vapor Intrusion Assessment WP Addendum I Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS12/01/2011Vapor Intrusion Assessment Work Plan Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-INSPECTION08/01/2011Fourth Inspection Report 2011 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS06/01/2011Groundwater Feasibility Study Preview/Download
BER LEGAL-AGREEMENTS12/11/2008Environmental Use Control 05-EUC 0004 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING10/15/2008Monitoring - 1st Quarter - 2008 Part1/2 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS-MONITORING10/15/2008Monitoring - 1st Quarter - 2008 Part2/2 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS06/01/2007Final Remedial Inv Vol 2.1 Revised 02/07 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS02/01/2007Final Remedial Inv Vol 2.2 Revised 02/07 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS12/05/2005Final Rem Invest Addendum Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS06/01/2004Final Remedial Inv Vol 5 Revised 02/2007 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS06/01/2004Final Remedial Inv Vol 6 Revised 02/2007 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS06/01/2004Final Remedial Inv Vol 3 Revised 02/2007 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS06/01/2004Final Rmdial Inv Vol 1.1 Revised 02/2007 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS06/01/2004Final Remedial Inv Vol 1.2 Revised 02/07 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS06/01/2004Final Remedial Inv Vol 4.1 Revised 02/07 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS06/01/2004Final Remedial Inv Vol 4.2 Revised 02/07 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS06/01/2004Final Remedial Inv Vol 4.3 Revised 02/07 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS06/01/2004Final Remedial Inv Vol 4.4 Revised 02/07 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS06/01/2004Final Remedial Inv Vol 4.5 Revised 02/07 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS06/01/2004I-CDM - Vol 1 Final Rem Invest Rpt Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS01/22/2004Baseline Risk Assessment Revised Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS05/02/2003Proposed Investigation Activities Preview/Download
BER LEGAL-AGREEMENTS10/16/1995Settlement Agreement 95-E-0321 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS09/01/1989RI/FS Work Plan Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS02/24/1989Phase I - Part 1 Initial Site Asmt -1of2 Preview/Download
BER REPORTS AND PLANS02/24/1989Phase I - Part 1 Initial Site Asmt -2of2 Preview/Download